6486 150th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 727-433-2774 info@rganetwork.net

Network abundantly, we DARE you!


RGA Small Business blog

Virtual RGA in the face of COVID-19

Virtual RGA in the face of COVID-19

RGA has always been proactive about offering our members a safe networking experience. We are proud of our emphasis on knowing who someone is before we approve a membership. We make sure that each member’s background is free of “red flags” that could indicate poor...

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Networking Best Practices with RGA

Networking Best Practices with RGA

Before you’re scooped up in the rush of holiday preparations and parties, I encourage you to remember your “best practices” for networking so you close the year strong and start 2020 with confidence. We don’t have a lot of rules at RGA meetings and socials, but there...

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Meet Area Director Jason Esterline

Meet Area Director Jason Esterline

Earlier this year, I fired Jason Esterline from his long-held position as a team leader for RGA’s Countryside chapter. He was doing such a good job that I realized RGA needed him elsewhere! I asked Jason to be our Area Director for North Pinellas, Pasco, and West...

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RGA Worth the Wait for Lisa K. Jordan

RGA Worth the Wait for Lisa K. Jordan

I’m always saying that RGA is the best networking group in the Tampa Bay area. Not only because we have Wall Street networking at Main Street pricing, but also because we do away with all the rules that make it difficult to network effectively. It was another...

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Everything You Want …

Everything You Want …

RGA embraces the late Zig Ziglar’s maxim that, “You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.”

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Networkers, It’s Our Time to Shine!

Networkers, It’s Our Time to Shine!

Every year, RGA (Revenue Generating Activities) Network organizes a Summer Business Expo. It’s turning into a real mega-networking event, drawing participation from a lot of networking groups in the area. I’d like to invite your networking group to be part of it this...

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It’s About Time!

It’s About Time!

FACE time. The time you spend face-to-face with someone, getting to know him or her, and letting the other person get to know you. When you come to an RGA networking meeting, you’re with the best networking group in the Tampa Bay area. That holds true no matter which...

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Be Your BEST Brand Ambassador

Be Your BEST Brand Ambassador

Branding is increasingly important in ensuring your network knows you, and knows what to expect from you. Here are tips from RGA’s Mark O’Donnell for being your own best brand ambassador!

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Boost my WHAT with RGA?

Boost my WHAT with RGA?

RGA members hear me say it all the time: “Boost your brand!” Sounds good, but what does it mean? You’re not a bar of soap or a bottle of soda. Why do you need a “personal brand”? The simplest description of a brand is that it’s the way people remember you. Are you...

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Don’t WAIT!

Have you experienced an RGA meeting near you yet? If not, click here to visit our meeting page and find a networking opportunity near you today!

Once you’re here you’ll understand the RGA difference. Our membership is a family. We can’t wait to help you grow your business!