6486 150th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 727-433-2774 [email protected]

Network abundantly, we DARE you!


RGA is excited to bring you another unique opportunity to position yourself as an expert and promote your business with the rga authoring program!

Our first book, The Best Business Minds in Tampa Bay, hit #1 in two categories on Amazon, and has remained a top-ten bestseller for more than two years! Our second book, How to Maximize Your Network, hit #1 in multiple categories on Amazon as well! We promoted both The Best Business Minds and How to Maximize Your Network on all the major Tampa networks, as well as multiple newspapers and other media. Our third book, Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word, promises to do even better!

Unfortunately, spaces are limited for participation. There were many people who wanted to be a part of How to Maximize Your Network but weren’t able to get in because we have a limited number of author slots so sign up early!

In order to take advantage of this powerful tool and the resources & promotional opportunities we make available to our authors you must be a current RGA Network member. 

Here are the most frequently asked questions about our Authoring Program’s Book Project:

Q: Why should I participate in Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word: 50 Secrets from Experts?
A: As an author, you are immediately perceived as an expert. The author distinction is something that will set you apart in a crowded marketplace and give you an edge over your competition. You will receive a downloadable copy of the book that you can share with your clients, friends, and family, as well as a print copy you can display on your webpage, in your office, and in your interactions with potential clients. You will also be part of a group marketing effort, where all of the authors are promoting the book and each individual business. That collaborative marketing delivers ten times the impact of individual efforts and can make a big difference! Add the title Author to your LinkedIn profile, your social media, your website, your signature line—and people will see you as the expert they need to work with.

Q. What information will you need from me?
A: Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word: 50 Secrets from Experts is all about how each individual business took their own unique approach to networking that built those three pillars of know, like, and trust. The book will be divided into several main topics and you will be able to choose which topic you want to write about. Platinum members receive a full 2,500-word chapter on the topic they choose while Gold members receive 1,000 words. All levels will also include a bio, photograph of you, logo for your business, and a short blurb about what your business does. All participants will be listed in the book. Gold members are featured on the back cover, while individual Platinum members are featured on the front cover.

Q. I’m not a writer. How can I participate?
A: RGA makes this entire process super-easy. You’ll be working with a team of editors, headed by New York Times bestselling author Shirley Jump, who will be helping you craft your chapter. Each participant receives an easy-to-fill-out questionnaire that essentially builds your chapter for you. This book is not a giant advertisement—it is an informative compilation of smart advice. The questionnaire makes it easy for you to share your expertise. We do all the rest! Ghostwriting and editing is included in the price!

Q: Who can participate in Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word: 50 Secrets from Experts?
A: Any current RGA member can be a part of the book. This is an exclusive offer, only for RGA members. Your membership must be in good standing at the time of participation and at the time of the book’s release. If you choose to discontinue your RGA membership during the promotional phase of the book launch you will lose out on the opportunity to continue promoting yourself alongside the rest of the current RGA authors. 

Q: Will I receive final approval?
A: Every author will have multiple opportunities to see their chapter in the book and have final approval over all content.

Q: When will the book be released? What are my deadlines?
A: We are planning to release the book at the RGA Business Expo in July of 2025, to make a HUGE splash. That also gives us an entire year for everyone to pre-promote the book and their author credentials. All materials are due by December 15, 2024, to ensure plenty of time for formatting, final approval, and printing.

Q: Will I receive a copy?
A: All authors receive five print copies of the book and an electronic copy that they are free to distribute. Additional copies can be purchased at a wholesale price.

Q: Where will the book be distributed?
A: In addition to featuring the book on the RGA website, all participants are welcome to put their free downloadable copy of their websites. The book will also be available on Amazon.

Q: What is the marketing plan?
A: We are firming up the details of the marketing plan and will announce those soon. How to Maximize Your Network was featured on multiple Tampa Bay television networks, print, and other media outlets. Because Networking Isn’t a Dirty Word: 50 Secrets from Experts will be a book full of great industry knowledge and applicable tips for any business owner, it will be easy to market. We will do a group launch, as we did with the first two books, to push the book up in the rankings of Amazon and hopefully make this one a bestseller too! This book, as we mentioned earlier, isn’t a giant ad—it’s a smart, informative compilation of great advice that any business owner in the country will be interested in reading. This will be a book people talk about!

Q: I’m in! What do you need from me?
A: It’s easy! Choose a package above and sign up! Platinum authors receive their image and byline on the cover of the book, Gold authors receive their byline on the back of the book. All authors will be able to contribute a chapter of knowledge about how they made the most of their network. Take advantage of special Expo pricing until September 15th!


Don’t WAIT!

Have you experienced an RGA meeting near you yet? If not, click here to visit our meeting page and find a networking opportunity near you today!

Once you’re here you’ll understand the RGA difference. Our membership is a family. We can’t wait to help you grow your business!