6486 150th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 727-433-2774 info@rganetwork.net

Business Technology - TBR

IONTB.com – Joe Pearson

IONTB.com – Joe Pearson

Advertise on IONTB.com, get in front of your local audience.

We weave together our social media components driving our users back to our site, to see you ad.

On Facebook alone, IONTB has a monthly reach of over 725,000, with post engagements nearing 2 million per month, and each post averages approximately 40,000 average impressions. IONTB has over 8,100 followers on Twitter and started growing its presence on Instagram to nearly 6,000.  We also have approximately 2,150 subscribers on YouTube.

In the past year, IONTB.com has had over 6.5 million page views, with over 2.5 million local visitors, your potential customer.

It is the contributions of our followers that have allowed the endeavor to flourish. We have hundreds of local folks who see events locally, and immediately send us the story, many times with video and pictures.

The delivery of news needs to morph into more consumer-driven content, not content that people are forced to endure when they wait for the 45-second segment somewhere during their 6 PM broadcast.

This endeavor has proven that most people do not want to wait 3 hours to go home and tune in at 5 or 6 PM to watch the news. Our lives have changed, and social media has antiquated the current news delivery method.

Email me at: joe@iontb.com

IONTB - Eye On Tampa Bay

Keeping an eye on Tampa Bay -- Breaking news in the Tampa Bay Area.
