6486 150th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 727-433-2774 info@rganetwork.net

I’ve said this numerous times, in various ways: WEAR A NAME TAG when you go anywhere that you’ll be interacting with people, especially if you’ll be meeting people you don’t know!

Your nane tag lets people know your name without having to ask. Let’s be honest: it’s embarrassing to admit you’ve forgotten someone’s name if you know you’ve met them before, especially if you’ve just met, and the name flew right past you!

Your name tag allows people to refresh their memories without admitting forgetfulness.

In the United States, it’s customary to place the name tag on the right side, just above where a pocket is/would be. Why? When you reach to shake hands, your acquaintance’s eye will naturally be drawn there, so your name is easy to see!

Your name tag also sends subtle signals to those around you:

It says you’re approachable. You’re leading with your first name, instantly putting people at ease.

Your name tag invites conversation! Your name tag probably has more than just your first name on it. Some may use surnames, as well. Some include a business name and/or logo. Some, just an identifier, like “photographer,” or “aesthetician.” When people see more than just your first name, it invites them to ask about that extra information! And that gives you a chance to ask them about themselves, their business, their interests.

A name tag helps “brand” you in people’s minds. Seeing your name and business name or logo helps people associate you with your product or service. They’ll flash back to seeing your name tag when they’re scrolling through their memories for what it is you have to offer.

A name tag also encourages people to trust you! If you openly share your name and business affiliation, people feel more comfortable that you are who you say you are, especially if your name tag includes a logo they recognize.

That’s a really good reason to consider branding yourself with an RGA name tag! When a prospective member comes to a meeting, it’s reassuring to see our “united front” — all the people who proudly brand themselves as RGA partners, people who are willing to help guide a “newbie” through the meeting, make introductions, and answer questions.

Our RGA name tags include your first name, your business name, and the RGA logo. They’re a great way to promote your business and your network at minimal cost.

Whether you already have a name tag of your own, one from your own company, or one from RGA, remember to wear it everywhere! If you make it easy for people to identify and approach you, you also make it easy for them to remember and refer you!