6486 150th Avenue North Clearwater, FL 33760 727-433-2774 info@rganetwork.net

The Great Write Off 12/12/2019 at 2pm @ Factory 114
Dec 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Great Write Off 12/12/2019 at 2pm @ Factory 114

JOIN us 2pm 12/12/2109 for the opportunity to Write your story!

NOW Publishing is excited to be doing something we have never done before, and something that will position 15 Tampa-area business owners in a powerful light as we traditionally publish their business book & provide 11 months of PR promotion for their brand.

We are choosing 15 business owners/entrepreneurs to be part of our Great Write-Off, an exciting opportunity to get your business book written, launched, and most of all, talked about. The authors will meet with us one day a month (the last Friday of each month), build their book with our New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestselling author and Sr. VP of Publishing, Shirley Jump.

Then in November 2020 we will put together one of the largest and most publicized collaborative book launches at the Tampa Club, getting the word out to all of Tampa Bay about our expert entrepreneurs and their books!

Monthly meetings help you stay on track, and professional editing, cover design, formatting, and production help will be available from start to finish. This is a limited time offer, only available to those who make a commitment this December 2019!

See the attached flyer for more details or email publish@nowscpress.com to secure your spot and begin positioning yourself as the expert entrepreneur you are! Make the decision to market your business differently in 2020, you can do it!
Please add your name if you are interested and we’ll contact you for with time works for your schedule

Another Boring Office Party-Except it’s Not Boring, and NOT At your office! @ Stumpy's Hatchet House- Tampa- Axe Throwing
Dec 10 @ 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Another Boring Office Party-Except it's Not Boring, and NOT At your office! @ Stumpy's Hatchet House- Tampa- Axe Throwing

Back before social media, people networked face-to-face.
They carried business cards, wore name tags, and shook hands. And guess what?
It worked.
Go offline with RGA networking events and get ready to make a real connection.
Join us as we move into the Holiday Season
A great way to meet the Top Professionals of Tampa Bay and help a great charity~

Women with Purpose

Our Mission “Helping Cancer Families Everyday in Tampa Bay”
Women With Purpose is a non-profit organization in Tampa Bay. We are committed to helping families in our community with cancer. We provide non-medical financial assistance for basic necessities by directly paying rent, mortgages, utilities, car payments and insurance, gas and food cards.

We are asking to bring toiletries for Women With Purpose.
Tooth paste, Tooth brush, Toilet Paper , Tampons and any other toiletries for folks battling with Cancer

Food Catered by 3 C’s Catering

$15 IN ADVANCE: https://fg220.infusionsoft.com/app/manageCart/addProduct?productId=54

Build your Business Media Kit that gets results! @ Virtual from your Home or Office
Aug 20 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Build your Business Media Kit that gets results! @ Virtual from your Home or Office
RGANetwork.net Presents “Build your business media kit that gets results”
Our University Instructor is Maureen Famiano, President of

(Check out her amazing page)

Maureen will hold an upcoming RGANetwork.net university class on August 27 at 2:00 PM. to 3:00 pm for Business professionals so they can prepair a Media Kit for their business.
>Maureen is a 30 year television expert and has many ideas to help you grow your business, her talents are fast and knowledge is amazing to help business owners get noticed by the media.

> This University Class, put on by RGANetwork.net Florida’s Premiere Professional business networking organization,

the class will cover creating your own media kit. 
This Kit will be good for working with new clients, collaborations with others.
It will be great for Sponsorship considerations and for media possibilities.
Joining in for this class: it is the information any business needs to know. 
Maureen will also cover viral video creation, gathering and opportunities.
She’s launched several viral videos and stories Getting millions and millions of views.
She will share with you behind the scenes back door information on how it all happens.
Space is limited for the class but the results are NOT.
Don’t Delay and reserve your spot today!


Build your Business Media Kit that gets results! @ Virtual from your Home or Office
Aug 27 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Build your Business Media Kit that gets results! @ Virtual from your Home or Office
RGANetwork.net Presents “Build your business media kit that gets results”
Our University Instructor is:
Maureen Famiano, President of

Maureen will hold an upcoming RGANetwork.net university class on
August 27 at 2:00 PM. to 3:00 pm
>This 30 year television expert has many ideas to help you grow your business.
> The class will cover creating your own media kit good for working with new clients, collaborations with others, Sponsorship considerations and for media possibilities.
> This is information any business needs to know.
> She will also cover viral video creation, gathering and opportunities. She’s launched several viral videos and stories Getting millions and millions of views.
She will share with you behind the scenes back door information on how it all happens.
Space is limited for the class but the results are NOT.
Don’t Delay and reserve your spot


Everything you wanted to know about Quick Books, But are afraid to ask…. @ Virtual from your Home or Office
Mar 4 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm
Everything you wanted to know about Quick Books, But are afraid to ask.... @ Virtual from your Home or Office

March 4th 2pm to 3:30

Bookkeeping 101 – just some very basic info so they will understand the Quick Books.

Useful tips and tricks for using quick books.

  • A few lingo terms to understand the Quick Books.
  • Set-up
  • COA
  • Vendors
  • Customers
  • Banking

Everything you wanted to know about Quick Books but were afraid to ask Presented by

Helayne Celano

Shomax Bookkeeping Solutions


Digital Marketing, the Playbook! Presented by Ruben Santiago, Frac CMO Author, Marketing Expert @ The Breakroom Bar and Grill
Oct 21 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Digital Marketing, the Playbook! Presented by Ruben Santiago, Frac CMO Author, Marketing Expert @ The Breakroom Bar and Grill

Digital Marketing, the Playbook!

This month in the RGA University we are going to take the guesswork out of digital marketing, help you maximize your profits and become the authority in your profession or business …

even in a bad economy.

This month at the RGA University, Ruben Santiago, author, speaker and a marketing expert is going to help us take the guesswork out of our digital marketing so you can maximize your profits with what is working NOW and will be for the foreseeable future.

=From Ruben’s Desk:

Listen, let’s face it, life is tough for most of us. But let me tell you something – being a business owner or professional can make things seem even more challenging if we’re not careful about how we market ourselves!

And that’s why I’ve got some great news


digital marketing has become so much easier now than ever before because there are so many tools available, which will maximize your profits and put YOU in charge of building YOUR own authority online!

But what tools or strategies to use is the key.

I am going to share this material with you at the:

RGA University this coming

October 21st, 1:00 PM –

The Breakroom Bar & Grill:

13575 58th St N, Clearwater, FL 33760

So many business owners and professionals are struggling with how to promote themselves online because they don’t know where to start.

And that’s why I’ve created the Digital Marketing Bootcamp and Playbook – so you can take the guesswork out of your marketing efforts, and finally get real results!

The Bootcamp is a ONE HOUR Intensive breakdown of what YOU need to do right NOW!

Listen, there are over 30 different marketing strategies available to you right now, not all apply and in fact, some will hurt you if done out of sequence.

So, in the bootcamp

I go over them for you.

The Playbook is a step-by-step guide to help you build authority and credibility in your niche by leveraging the power of digital marketing.

This will allow YOU to control YOUR destiny as an entrepreneur – not only by building trust with prospects but also by achieving your goals faster than ever before!

The Digital Marketing Playbook is for anyone who wants more freedom from their work load;

those who want MORE time for family;

those who want MORE success in their business;

those who want MORE income…

and even if you’re just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey right now –…

and I know that must of all fail when it comes to the implementation side of things, we added a 5-Day Implementation challenge to help you succeed!

What do get:

  • 1-Hr Digital Marketing Bootcamp
  • The Digital Marketing Playbook
  • 5-Day (1-hr a day) Implementation Challenge

My name is Ruben and I am an expert in helping people apply specific cutting-edge practices and to implement a business model based on core principles and frameworks to become as successful and fulfilled as they chose to be, in whatever business or profession they’re in.


  • 90% of your prospects were to sign up for your services before they even talk to you?
  • New clients look for you rather than you chasing them?
  • You attracted ONLY the kind of clients you really wanted to work with?
  • You could sleep at night because you have financial security?

Running your business is HARD.

  • You’ve been sold the dream of becoming an entrepreneur, a coach, a business owner or professional.
  • You’ve put in the time, energy, effort to have a standout product or service.
  • You’re educating yourself on how to serve your clients and customers better.

You’re the real deal…


no one actually KNOWS about you and your biz…

I have a passion for giving back and helping others achieve and I know that by giving back and helping others we all collectively become better, a rising tide lifts all boats!

Don’t miss this month’s RGA University on

October 21st at the LIVE at the Breakroom in Clearwater with zoom simulcast –

yes, the event will be recorded!

Ruben Santiago, Frac CMOAuthor, Marketing Expert

Register right now COME LIVE IN-PERSON reserve your (limited) seat:


If you can’t attend in person, the class will be recorded live, please email Mark@rganetwork.net to be put on the list!!!

Thursday Virtual Breakfast Networking Meeting – All professionals welcome!!! @ Virtual from your Home or Office
Mar 3 @ 7:30 am – 9:00 am
Thursday Virtual Breakfast Networking Meeting - All professionals welcome!!! @ Virtual from your Home or Office

Meet the area’s motivated professionals & Join in for Virtual Breakfast networking
7:30 am to 8:00am open networking, meet & greet
8:00am to 9:00 Introductions, 30 second commercials and business breakout.

JOIN in and grow your business


7:30 am to 9 am

just register for all the virtual opportunities: https://aa5ihi6o.pages.infusionsoft.net/

Zoom Link:  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uduGpqDgvHNXMjmmloY4yRsaPtjY5P0Wq

You’ll meet business owners from your
local area and from other parts of the area,
so you can expand your network beyond your own city.
Let’s strive to continue growing our businesses,
even while keeping our community safe with social distancing.

If you’re looking build a quality network and connect with like-minded industry leaders,
business owners and entrepreneurs check us out at our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/RGANetwork
Check out our September Speed Networking Events! Which allow you to connect one on one with other like minded business owners.
Giving you the opportunity to create not only business relationships & referrals, but also visibility, credibility and profitability!!


As a community of business owners,
let’s support each other now more than ever before.

We’re counting on you to join us
and knock this networking event out of the virtual ballpark.

JUST register here: https://aa5ihi6o.pages.infusionsoft.net/

Everyone gets to give a 30 Second Commercial